Every horse is evaluated on an individual basis to ensure correct analysis and dental treatment. I will employ best practise, skill and judgement at all times, which may mean treatment isn’t completed in one visit if I feel it may be detrimental to the horse’s health or well being. All dental procedures are performed with maximum consideration for equine and human safety and in compliance with the law.
History of the horse is essential when diagnosing problems and assessing the most beneficial treatment for his immediate and future needs. Most horses will improve after dental work as pain has been alleviated, however some habits e.g. head tossing may be difficult to break and require further handling and retraining.
I use both hand tools and power equipment, but generally find horses are more accepting and less worried by hand floats. This also keeps the cost down for the owner who doesn’t have to pay the vet to sedate (normally necessary when using power tools) and is healthier for the horse. I also use solid carbide blades on the hand floats, which are more efficient and get the job done faster.
When visiting your horse I will require a clean stable, pen or stocks to work in, plus water, light and power source.
Depending on the age of the horse it may also be necessary to remove loose or retained deciduous caps or fragments (baby teeth). Some horses will also have wolf teeth that need to be addressed.
*Please note that chlorhexidine (antimicrobial disinfectant) is used to clean all tools and equipment, which helps prevent the spread of contagious disease.